2008 |
- “Far Infrared Therapy Inhibits Vascular Endothelial Inflammation via the Induction of Heme Oxygenase-1” by Dr. CC Lin was published in the April issue of Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, Vascular Biology

April cover of ATVB
- Exhibited at the annual meeting of European Renal Association – European Dialysis and Transplant Association in Stockholm , Sweden
- Exhibited at the annual meeting of British Renal Society in Glasgow , UK
2008 Annual meeting of ERA-EDTA
- Received FDA pre-market approval (K080465)
2008 Annual meeting of BRS
2007 |
- “Far-Infrared Therapy: A Novel Treatment to Improve Access Blood Flow and Unassisted Patency of Arteriovenous Fistula in Hemodialysis Patients” by Dr. CC Lin was published in the March issue of Journal of American Society of Nephrology
March cover of JASN
- TY-101N/102N, TY-301R/302R obtained CE 0434 certification
- US FDA 510(k) for TY-101N pending
- Exhibited at the annual meeting of European Renal Association – European Dialysis and Transplant
Association in Barcelona , Spain for the first time

2007 Annual meeting for ERA-EDTA
- Exhibited at the Annual Meeting of Nephrology Society of Thailand in Cha-Am , Thailand
2007 Annual meeting of NST
- Exhibited at the Renal Week of American Society of Nephrology in San Francisco , USA
2007 Renal Week of ASN
2006 |
- 「WS Far Infrared Therapy Unit」 Multi-function TY-101N was officially released and the former TY-101 was off production.

2005 |
- 「WS Far Infrared Therapy Unit」TY101 officially obtained the Medical Device License issued by Department of Health.
Dr. S.Y. Yu conducted animal experiment in 「 Far Infrared Treatment to Promote Skin Micro-circulation」
Exhibited at the Annual Meeting of Taiwan Surgical Association for the first time.
「WS Far Infrared Therapy Unit」 Three-purpose TY-301 was officially released.
Dr. C.C. Lin undertook clinical experiments, ? The Effect of Far Infrared Therapy on the Access Blood Flow and Unassisted Patency of Arteriovenous Fistula in Hemodialysis Patients ? .
「 WS Far Infrared Therapy Unit 」 Medically Dedicated TY-601 was released.
TY-101N was patented in Taiwan 「WS Far Infrared Therapy Unit」
- Organized by Far Infrared Healthcare Association and assisted by WS Far IR Medical Technology, the 「 Experience Exchange Seminar on Medical Application of Far Infrared 」 was held in Taichung Splendor Hotel, presented by Dr. R.C. Chiang and participated by doctors and nurses from hemodialysis divisions. 「WS Far Infrared Therapy Unit」TY101 was patented in Taiwan.

2005 Annal meeting for Taiwan Association of Nephrology |
2004 |
- We were appraised as the manufacturer who meets Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for medical devices manufacturers by Department of Health, Executive Yuan. Be the first professional manufacturer of Far Infrared therapeutic apparatus who meets GMP standard in Taiwan .
Assisted by Hi-Clearance INC., WS Far IR Medical Technology sponsored the 「 Clinical Service for Nepro-patients' Fistulas and Lecture on Far Infrared Health Care」 in March.
In July, we sponsored the「 Experience Exchange Seminar on Medical Application of Far Infrared 」 in Kaohsiung Ambassador Hotel and Tainan La Plaza Hotel, which was presented by Doctor RC Chiang and participated by doctors and nurses from hemodialysis divisions.
- Sponsored by Taipei Wanfang Hospital and assisted by Association of Diabetes Educators and WS Far IR Medical Technology, a lecture on 「 How to Avoid Diabetic Amputation 」 was given by Doctor YJ Chang in Wanfang Hospital, in which he mentioned how to make effective use of Far Infrared as an adjunctive therapy.

2004TaipeiInternational Show on Medical Equipment & harmaceuticals (1)

2004 Taipei International Show on Medical Equipment & Pharmaceuticals (2) |
- Exhibited at the Annual Meeting for Taiwan Association of Nephrology, Annual Meeting for Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Taipei International Show on Medical Equipment & Pharmaceuticals.

2003 Annal meeting for Taiwan Association of Nephrology |
2001 |
Co-sponsored the「 Symposium on Basic and Clinical Application of Far Infrared」together with the Electric Machine Department of National Cheng Kung University and Far Infrared Healthcare Association , at which Professor BJ Wu from Biophysics Department of Medical Division in Peking University, Professor MS Yang from National Cheng Kung University, Doctor RC Chiang from Show Chwan Memorial Hospital and Doctor SH Wang (Director of Submarine Medicine Department of Keelung Armed Forces Hospital) were invited to attend. It was held three times respectively in Taipei , Taichung and Tainan in March and caused a great social sensation.
Developed 「 WS Far Infrared Fiber Blanket」 .

2001 Symposium on Basic and Clinical Application of Far Infrared (1)

2001 Symposium on Basic and Clinical Application of Far Infrared (2) |
2000 |
- Applied by Hyperbaric oxygen Center (Submarine Medicine Department) in wound healing.
1998 |
- Applied successively by all hemodialysis divisions throughout Taiwan.Far Infrared Healthcare Association was officially approved for establishment.
1997 |
Doctor RC Chiang, Director of Cardiovascular Surgery Department of Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, started the clinical research of fistula exposed in Far Infrared. Far Infrared Healthcare Association was sketched.
「WS Far Infrared Therapy Unit」 TY101 was patented in Mainland China.
1996 |
Applied by TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Department of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital ( Medical Center ) and chain rehabilitation clinics affiliated with SST Company, marking its entrance into the medical field of rehabilitation; also exhibited at the Taipei International Show on Medical Equipment & Pharmaceuticals.
「WS Far Infrared Therapy Unit」 TY101 was patented in Japan.
1995 |
- 「WS Far Infrared Therapy Unit」 TY101 was patented in Taiwan
- Applied by TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Department of Tzu Chi Hospital, marking the beginning of TCM circle's paying great attention to application of far infrared.
- WS Far IR Medical Technology Co., Ltd. was founded WS Far Infrared Therapy Unit TY101 was released